Relive the Troubles in Derry through a Derrygirl’s pen—authentic stories from the heart of the conflict

Black and white picture of Jane Buckley

Inspired by real live events during the Northern Irish Troubles

‘Turmoil, Darkness, Light and Hope’,

a fictional novel in four volumes.

Prepare to be captivated by these 5* extraordinary tales unfolding in the streets of Derry/Londonderry, Belfast and London.

If you relish intense thrillers that uncover the truth behind historical events, then the ‘Stones Corner’ series is a must-read. Let me take you to a time and place where turmoil reigns supreme and only the strongest emerge from the shadows.

The Stones Corner Series Bundle

The Stones Corner Series Bundle

“I read the whole series in a week - SO binge-worthy!!”

Get your reading binge-fix ready with all four volumes of the Stones Corner Series at a special bundle price.

Turmoil (Paperback)
Sale Price:£9.99 Original Price:£12.99
Hope (Paperback)
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30th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards

“Stones Corner: Turmoil is exemplary in its structure, organization, and pacing. The structure of the chapters/parts aid in a compelling organization of the story or information. The pacing is even throughout and matches the tone/genre of the book.

The reader is immersed in the author’s sense of place and time. She uses the landscape of civilian, urban war to provide vivid emotional and sensory connections as violence erupts in all parts of life. She also finds a cadence and flow to the dialect which spills into the pacing. There is also a sense of family, humor and warmth.”

- Writer’s Digest Judge, Nov 2022